Raccoon Removal

Although Raccoons can be very cute they can also be very dangerous. Raccoons can carry a multitude of several bacterial diseases and parasites.

These diseases are transmitted through bites & ingesting raccoon waste. These are just some of the diseases that can affect humans and pets. salmonella, leptospirosisroundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) & rabies.

Don't let raccoons terrorize you, call our Lexington raccoon removal company today at 1-803-760-9166

Did you know that Raccoons are very inquisitive animals and while most animals use either sight, sound, or smell to hunt, raccoons rely on their sense of touch to locate bounty!

Because of their curiosity they are always getting into trouble and many times reeking havoc in many of our Lexington and Columbia South Carolina yards and businesses. No wonder they can make such a mess!

Raccoons typically tip over trash cans, raid bird feeders, destroy gardens enter into homes from chimney tops that are not capped and raccoons can damage crops. We provide raccoon removal to Lexington, Columbia, & the surrounding areas.

Make sure you and your loved ones are safe contact our South Carolina Racoon and Extraction company today 1-803-760-9166.